B.U.C.K. Squad holds ice cream social to give South First Street kids a safe, fun afternoon

It really felt like one of the first days of summer, not just because of the weather, but because there were kids playing on the playground and eating ice cream. But Thursday afternoon’s ice cream social at South First Street was about more than just a day outside.

The kids played a trivia game, yelling the answers and jumping around when they got it right. The winners got a pizza party, but it ended up being a tie and all the kids won the prize.

That came after the kids walked away with sweets - both ice cream and the board game Candy Land.

All of those festivities were organized by the B.U.C.K Squad: Brothers United to Cease the Killing.

Read this original feature on NBC 29 here: https://www.nbc29.com/2021/03/12/buck-squad-holds-ice-cream-social-give-south-first-street-kids-safe-fun-afternoon/


Local Volunteers Working To Prevent Shootings Need Funding


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