B.U.C.K. Squad tackles gun violence

Following the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, gun violence spiked across Charlottesville, particularly in the city’s predominantly Black neighborhoods. There were four gun homicides in 2020—a notable uptick from the two homicides in 2019 and one in 2018. By the end of the year, the Charlottesville Police Department had responded to 122 shots-fired incidents. This rise in gun violence continued into 2021, with multiple shootings taking place in or near public housing communities. However, the year ended with zero homicides.

The city has the B.U.C.K.—Brothers United to Cease the Killing—Squad to thank for this drop in gun-related deaths, says its Executive Director Herb Dickerson. Since last January, the nonprofit squad has intervened in conflicts, attempting to talk down clashing groups before they start shooting.

In 2021, Dickerson says the squad intervened in about 79 incidents. So far this year, that number has been 46.

Read the original feature on C-Ville here: https://www.c-ville.com/making-a-difference%205/25/22


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